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Episode 12: 3 in 30: How to Find Career Clarity with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik

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Iowa Economic Development Authority


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    Professional Development
    This Entrepreneur Shares Her 3 Surprising Keys to Career Success

    Meet Emily Steele, a successful Iowa-based business owner, who’s sharing the 3 things that have had the most influence on her career success.

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    Goal-Setting, Work Culture
    Iowa Nice—How This Young Millennial Pursues Real Work-Life Balance

    We've become pretty familiar with the narrative around millennials being narcissistic consumers of avocado toasts. We spoke to Karsen Miller, a millennial and native Iowan who took an approach to her life and career that puts every stereotype to rest—once and for all.


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    Fashion + Beauty
    Unretouched—How Heather Caye Brown Disrupted the Swimwear Industry from Iowa

    Heather Caye Brown always knew she wanted to be a designer. When she found out she wanted to spend the remainder of her life in a bikini, her career as a swimwear designer took off. Here's how she founded NIGHT DIVE from her home in Iowa.